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Our cognitive assessments provide one, easy-to-use, and simple-to-understand metric giving HR teams the ability to discover high potential talent for every role in the company:

The Catalyzr Quotient.



Identify, retain, and grow top talent


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Match people to opportunities from anywhere in your organization based on their Catalyzr Quotient.


Now you have the power to proactively optimize your organization to reach its maximum potential.



Identify "High Potentials", and make recommendations straight from the People Details page.

Uncover the required skills, match to internal candidates, and start building personalized learning programs from Day 1.

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Understand your workforce

With over 30,000+ skills and certifications connected to 2,000+ roles, Catalyzr is the platform to understand your workforce. Make informed decisions about where to build, borrow or buy talent and drive business growth.


Do you know what skills you have today? Do you know what skills you need tomorrow?

Catalyzr provides an easy to understand dashboard that is updated in real time as your people self-assess their skills and capabilities. Drill down to Skills, and filter by Organization, Location or Function to understand your organization's current capabilities and make decisions about its future capabilities. 

The Talent Dashboard provides a one-stop overview of your organization through a Career or People view.

The Talent Dashboard uses the Catalyzer Quotient and Performance metrics to identify talent that is:





Break down silos

Personalized recommendations


Strategic direction


Help your people discover the world of career possibilities that exist across your organization. Provide personalized career recommendations based on each person's unique abilities and how they align with each role in your company.


The Catalyzr Quotient quickly enables people to see where they have the highest potential to succeed for every role in the company.  Catalyzr helps to identify any skill gaps that need to be bridged so your people can reach their goals.

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The Catalyzer Quotient (CQ) shows the alignment of your people or team’s talent to roles or careers - it can also be aggregated to show how well the talent of a team, unit or even company is aligned to their roles.


The higher the Catalyzr Quotient, the better the alignment, the higher performing the organization.

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Everything in one place

  • Alignment

  • Support

  • Re-alignment and Review

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